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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Why NOW Is The Best Time To Start An Organic Business

It's only been the last few years that natural and organic products have started hitting the shelves in supermarkets, pharmacies and other small businesses. It became apparent to me that there was definitely a trend that people are looking for these niche products. Some people like to make their own natural and/or organic products to sell in markets and to their circle of friends.

Running a green business has many benefits. Its good for the environment and also minimises your exposure to harmful chemicals and possibly reduce your risk to allergies too. But not everyone wants to make their own products to sell them in markets. Starting from scratch can be quite difficult and time consuming. It can be quite costly too! If selling products online, then creating a functional and professional website is something to look into, but it can cost quite a bit too depending on who you use to create your website for you.

If you are not willing to put in the time and money to start your own green business from scratch, perhaps you can consider joining an organic business opportunity that allows you to sell someone else's high quality organic products and be rewarded with a sustainable income. Take a look at this great video! CLICK HERE

Thursday, 31 January 2013

The Vitality Challenge To Assess Your Quality Of Life

There is a brand new DIY kit available at that will help you make an assessment of your health before and after completing the challenge. It is called the Vitality Challenge with Miessence Superfoods. 

This Vitality Challenge is a 10 day trial kit that involves taking a self assessment survey of your health before the challenge, then taking the provided superfoods for 10 days, then checking whether your quality of life has improved after the 10 day period. 

This challenge will help you assess five main key areas of your life for significant improvement:

1) Physical Symptoms
2) Mental/Emotional Symptoms
3) Stress Levels
4) Life Enjoyment
5) Quality Of Life

The Vitality Challenge includes the below superfoods:

1) BerryRadical Antioxidant Superfood:
This certified organic antioxidant superfood is designed to assist the body in attaining vibrant health, well-being and longevity. The highly nutritious BerryRadical includes potent antioxidant ingredients such as cacao, coffee fruit, olive juice, pomegranate, goji berry, acai berry, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry. These ingredients will prevent damage to your body by neutralising free radicals caused by environmental factors such as pollutants or bad eating habits. 

2) InLiven Probiotic Superfood:
This unique certified organic probiotic superfood is a nutrient-densed product containing 26 wholefoods combined with 13 strains of the friendly bacteria derived from the bacteria family called Lactobacillus. This probiotic, produced from fruits and grains, are crucial for maintaining good digestive health, improving your immune system, reducing cholestrol, and increasing nutrient uptake and absorption of minerals. 

3) DeepGreen Alkalising Superfood:
This superfood benefits the entire body by neutralising toxic acids in the blood and tissues caused by eating acidifying foods (eg. junk food), excessive stress, environmental pollutants, drugs and alcohol. It helps with preventing degenerative disease, detoxify and alkalise cells, boost the immune system and improve energy levels. The certified organic ingredients in this product includes blue-green algae, green grass juices and leafy green vegetables.  
MIESSENCE VITALITY PACK (BerryRadical, InLiven, DeepGreen)

If you have noticed a significant improvement in the 5 key areas of your life after the 10 day Vitality Challenge, then it would benefit you by purchasing the full-sized Superfoods Valued Pack called the Miessence Vitality Pack, which will allow you to instantly get a 20% discount and free shipping on these wonderful superfoods with an option of having these autoshipped to you each month. 

For more information about the 10 Day Vitality Challenge and Vitality Pack, please CLICK HERE